Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Shepherd’s Hands
394 Chapman Road Saluda, SC 29138

Wherever He leads I’ll go. It’s easy to sing that song and not really pay attention to the word, but isn’t that what we promised when we accepted Christ as our Savior and promised to follow Him. I see so many people that are really missing the joy of serving others.
This month was filled with opportunities to serve others; we had 18 new families come to the mission for help. A tornado hit about 2 miles from the mission on Tuesday night before we arrived on Monday to survey the damage. One home was completely destroyed with the mother and 4 year old inside when it hit, but praise the Lord they weren’t seriously hurt. We helped that family along with one of our regular clients whose home was damaged also. We also assisted two families who were victims of their homes burning to the ground.
I’m thrilled that we are there to help in times such as these. It saddens me to think how it would be if we weren’t there. You say help would come some way, I realize that too, but what if we weren’t there? What joy we would miss! I thank the Lord for those of you who come from time to time to help, you are very important to this ministry. I wish that we had enough workers that we could assign people each month. Then we would know where we stand each month, as sometimes we have to scrape to get enough workers. Let me encourage some of you who get this newsletter to pray about giving your time several times a year to help us out in this ministry.
Let me give you an update on the generator. We have on hand $ 5,780.00 of the $10,000.00, and the exciting part now is that there is one on sale a step up from the original until November 5th. It would be great if we could receive enough to take advantage of this deal. Pray that the monies will come in by that date.
Had hoped that we could provide each family with a turkey for Thanksgiving, but the food bank didn’t receive what they anticipated so we’ll substitute other items so they can have a good Thanksgiving dinner. After all Thanksgiving is being grateful to God for what we have.
Did you realize that the year is fast coming to an end? Where has all that time gone? It’s time for us to think about Christmas. Hopefully all our minds are on Jesus, the real reason for the season.
We expect to provide for the folks with a fruit bag, health kits (which have already arrived from a supporting church) along with gifts for the children. The past two months we have been gathering information as to the sizes and a toy for all under 12 years of age. We would like to have folks adopt a child and provide one item of clothing and a toy for each child.
We will be seeking Sunday School classes, churches and individuals to provide these. If you or your group would like to help us achieve this, you can contact me and I will forward you a list with the child’s names and items he or she would like to have for Christmas. We will be distributing these on December13th.
As always we thank you for your prayers and support. Without your support, we could not accomplish the work that God has called us to do.


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